What I can only to refer as my first official job as a graphic designer. Here are some examples of everything I created while employed under them. Be sure to click the images if you want to get a closer look!

Printed Map. MetroShoe Warehouse. 2016.



  • Erin T., GM of E-Commerce. Project-to-project consult.

  • Bridget M., Previous Graphic Designer. Initial job training and procedures.

  • James Mitchell Lewis, Graphic Designer. Book content, layout, and example projects.



I wanted to help the company to grow and remain consistent in the following years to come. What we needed was a Style Guide; what I got was a journey of self-refinement.

By writing this booklet, I hope that others after me find the information documented useful; or if the circumstances ever called for it, it could always be used as a coffee cup holder. It was my duty to improve the workflow of the position - even after my time at MetroShoe Warehouse.


The start of my position as Graphic Designer was rocky, The training itself wasn’t the issue; the lack of collected resources and concrete representation of what MSW stood for, was. Hard copies and reference materials were scattered.

I felt that information should be readily available at a moment's notice. The longer it takes a designer to find measurements or color palettes, the longer it takes for the whole process to be resolved. Everything ends up being less efficient. It wasn't just about having the information for myself; but also for anyone else that came after me. 


I took it upon myself to collect everything I had created those first few years, filing it away until I had enough for my concept. The first thing to settle on was a look and feel for the booklet.

I pulled ideas from other styleguides that were written in appealing layouts. These included FourSquare®, Apple®, Barn’s & Noble®, Easy Group®, and Google®. Inspiration was also derived from the bold elements seen in Draplin Design Company®'s works. 


The handbook needed to expand and be easily customizable. In testing, a typical, staple-bound, double-side printed booklet did not provide the desired flexibility needed for quick changes. Instead, I took to a single-page, two-ring binding for easier alterations and additions.

I needed the book to fit in a bag or large pocket for travel, yet still a proper size for reading fine print. My first go to for sizing was a Field Notes™ booklet I had been using for my sketches. However, it was quickly discarded due to its sizing being rather small at 5in x 3in. Instead I went for a more image friendly 5in x 8in.



  • Introduction to MetroShoe Warehouse and the job title of Graphic Designer

  • Breakdown of key elements of MetroShoe Warehouse’s logo including how to incorporate it in other media.

  • Includes acceptable Pantone colors, complements, and important of contrast within media.

  • What typefaces are appropriate in which contexts and a section of Slogan creations.

  • Listed past projects and sample solutions. Included projects: Posters, ID Cards, Donation Cards, Documents, Vendor TV Displays, Regular TV Displays, Facebook Ads, Facebook Covers & User Photo, Business Cards, Product Signs, Emails, Documents, Windows.

  • Lists off our two main websites and social media pages.

  • A breakdown of a Brand of the Month sample solution and included media.

  • Printers, cutters, and other useful objects when finalizing media.

  • How to achieve certain results with them.

  • A space for adding handwritten notes and sketches for later handbook improvements.

  • Final statements.

Most of the projects in the media section utilize Adobe’s CC™ with particular emphasis on Illustrator™ and Photoshop™. Original work files are accessible and editable to this day. I encourage others to look into them and take inspiration for their own projects.

The works contain product imagery taken by the brands, the photographers, and myself. Processing on each piece depends on expedience of information and contents of the material. Most usually end up taking upwards of a day or two for completion once details have been finalized. Listed to the left are the original sections to the handbook with a small synopsis of their contents; hopefully with more to come upon further involvement with MetroShoe Warehouse.

Using an unfinished plank of wood with a penciled in logo for the cover is a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that the handbook is never complete and is always evolving. I intend on doodling more of our sponsored brands on it the longer I use it.

Having a physical notebook with me also meant note taking would be easier. Once the notes are done, a new section would be printed and added it to the booklet, keeping everything up-to-date. 

My initial goal was to showcase the fundamental steps necessary to start a project. It would then progress to more challenging aspects in later sections, cultivating those skills. For example, the first few chapters include an introduction to the company, a blurb about what to expect, the logo, color choices, and typography. From there, projects start as a single page 11in x 17in poster and gradually lead to more information intense items such as emails and window displays.

The progression ends in one of the more difficult tasks of creating a Brand of the Month Campaign. These events usually occur throughout an entire month and utilize each printed and digital media in different amounts, depending on said brand.



Since initial printing and binding, I've started creating new pages for O5 | Media. These works will include custom engravings, additional TV dimensions including 4KHD to 8KHD, newspaper advertisements, and Now Hiring Campaigns.

As for the additional numbered sections, I will include the MetroShoe Project and store differences when it comes to media content.


Thank you so much for joining me in my first case study! Please, if you see any improvements that could be made for future revisions of this project or for others, feel free to cast a line! I welcome constructive criticism with open arms. After all, if nothing is ever judged, how can anything improve?


